Gator, Kratom

The Kratom plant has a centuries-long history of being used as an overall wellness enhancer.

From improving mood to helping alleviate stress, Kratom has been heralded for its positive benefits the world over. But, did you know that Kratom only grows natively in a specific region of southeast Asia? And, did you know that within this region, there are as many as a dozen or more strain variations according to where the Kratom was either harvested, dried, or packaged for distribution?

It’s true. And, the complex history of Kratom origins is a source of confusion for many, especially those new to the plant.

At Kratom Gator, we’re passionate about empowering our customers with education about this powerful plant. As such, this article dives deep into the regional origins of Kratom, revealing some interesting facts about what separates Thai Kratom from Malay Kratom, Indo from Borneo, and so on.

So, let’s get started!

First Thing’s First: There Are No Naming Conventions

Before we move forward, it’s important to note that there is no commonly agreed-upon naming convention for Kratom. It’s likely you’ll see some creative labels for many different Kratom strains, including such descriptors as:

  • ‘Super’
  • ‘Wild’
  • ‘Horned’
  • ‘Rainbow’
  • White, red, green, gold, yellow, or other colors

These words are mostly used as marketing tools for Kratom vendors to distinguish their products from their competition, although there are some kernels of truth in how this vocabulary is used. However, when it comes to Kratom vein colors, there is some consensus on where the terms ‘white’, ‘red’, and ‘green’ vein Kratom come from.

Generally speaking, almost all Kratom that grows in its native land of southeast Asia has red veins along the underside of the Kratom leaf once the tree reaches full maturity. It’s not until the harvested Kratom leaves undergo various drying and processing methods that the coloration changes.

Red Vein Kratom is often harvested at the peak of Kratom tree maturity. Post-harvest drying can involve both indoor drying, outdoor drying, or a combination of both.

Green Vein Kratom is sourced from Kratom trees that may not have reached full maturity but still have leaves that are big enough to harvest.

White Vein Kratom can come from younger, smaller Kratom trees that haven’t had time to fully mature yet. White Vein Kratom often undergoes extensive sunlight drying that gives it a kind of bleached hue, hence the term ‘white’.

In addition to harvest time, drying methods, and region of origin, some Kratom leaves can be sent through a fermentation process that, here again, changes the alkaloid content of the plant matter.

With all of the different variables that can contribute to one Kratom strain appearing to be different from another (and often providing different effects), it’s no wonder there are so many naming conventions!

Common Regions of Origin

Southeast Asia is a big place. It comprises numerous land masses including isolated islands that have unique climates—climates that contribute to the way the Kratom tree grows and the alkaloids it produces throughout its lifespan.

Therefore, a Kratom strain that comes from Borneo, for example, might very well have a higher concentration of Mitragynine, one of the active alkaloids Kratom is known for. Then again, it might not. The only way to definitively know whether or not a Kratom strain is more potent than another is to run it through a spectroscopic assay of tests, something that not all Kratom vendors have the time, money, or interest in doing.

Let’s look at some of the most popular geographic origins of Kratom and what makes them so popular among so many Kratom users.


If you ever see the term ‘Indo’ used as part of a Kratom strain name, it’s likely this strain was sourced in Indonesia. However, it could have been harvested in another region and then dried or processed in some other way in Indonesia. As we mentioned above, there is no accepted standard for how these naming categories are used.

To complicate things even further (are you confused yet?), there are subregions of Indonesia that are also used to describe various Kratom strains. These include:

  • Sumatra
  • Kalimantan
  • Bali
  • Borneo
  • Riau
  • More

Again, just because a certain Kratom strain has ‘Borneo’ in the title assigned to it by the Kratom vendor, it’s not 100% guaranteed that the Kratom was actually harvested there. Every Kratom supply chain differs slightly, which is why it’s so important to know the Kratom vendor you’re dealing with and to ask questions about the origin of the Kratom they supply.


Kratom strains that have ‘Thai’ in their name are often said to be products of Thailand. Thailand-sourced Kratom includes the Maeng Da variety, which is a term used to refer to an especially strong variety of Kratom (the phrase Maeng Da roughly translates as ‘Pimp Grade’).

Maeng Da is not a region of Thailand; it’s merely used as a naming convention for stronger Thailand-sourced Kratom.


Many Kratom vendors will shorten ‘Malaysia’ to ‘Malay’ and use it as a descriptor for almost any white, red, or green vein Kratom sourced from this region.

Here again, it’s important to remember that just because ‘Malay’ or ‘Malaysian’ is in the name of the strain, it’s not a sure thing that the Kratom was literally harvested in that area.

The ‘Big Four’ Factors

At the end of the day, there are four main factors that contribute to the alkaloid profile of any given Kratom strain. These are:

  1. Climate. Especially humid, warmer environments will yield taller, more supple Kratom trees. Conversely, dryer, cooler environments will produce Kratom trees with slightly different alkaloid profiles.
  2. Timing of harvesting. Younger Kratom trees have leaves with distinct phytochemicals in them. More mature leaves will differ according to their time spent alive prior to harvesting.
  3. Drying Technique. Indoor drying. Outdoor drying. UV-exposed drying. Hybrid methods. All of these processing techniques result in varying strains that have nuanced alkaloid profiles.
  4. Fermentation (or lack thereof). As mentioned above, sometimes Kratom leaves are intentionally placed into burlap bags and left to ferment for days at a time. This step allows the natural plant molecules to catalyze into slightly different ratios thanks to the fermentation reaction.

Outside of these four factors, any other descriptor used to describe a Kratom strain is largely going to be based purely in marketing.

Here’s a great example of how we at Kratom Gator use our own marketing to distinguish one of our favorite strains from the rest. Our ‘For Pete’s Sake’ Kratom strain is isolated because of its proven concentrations of Mitragynine and 7-Hydroxymitragynine, the two most potent Kratom plant alkaloids.

This is a Kratom Gator exclusive, and you won’t find For Pete’s Sake anywhere else, no matter how hard you look!

The Final Verdict on Strain Variation

Just as there isn’t broad agreement on what separates a Green Vein Kratom strain from a Red Vein Kratom strain, there also isn’t any consensus on whether or not certain Kratom strains provide unique effects.

For some Kratom users, all strains are created equal and the effects that are provided by Kratom don’t vary at all from one strain to another.

For other users, however, certain Kratom strains can have marked effects that are much different from other Kratom strains. It takes a fair amount of experimentation and research for most people before they locate their ‘go-to’ strain.

At Kratom Gator, we try to make the Kratom purchasing process as easy and as straightforward as possible. If you ever have any questions about the strains we offer, don’t hesitate to ask!

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