(18 customer reviews)


Green Kedamin is a premium rare Indo kratom powder. This strain is unique! It’s a great green that has very nice balanced effects. It is great for energy and mood elevation. This strain is in limited supply so I recommend trying it while we have it in stock.


Green Kedamin is a premium rare Indo kratom powder. This strain is unique! It’s a great green that has very nice balanced effects. It is great for energy and mood elevation. This strain is in limited supply so I recommend trying it while we have it in stock.

Additional information

1 Kg, 16 Oz, 8 Oz, 4 Oz, 1 Oz

18 reviews for Green Kedamin
  1. Judy

    I’ve tried a lot of other vendors, kratom gator is definitely the best!

  2. Rebecca

    Pleasent feeling. Great for after work relaxation.

  3. Jean

    kratom gator Green Maeng Da never disappoints.

  4. Henry

    Green Maeng Da kratom never really satisfied me like I know and hear that it does for most. I’m not sure why this is because Rockstar (white MD) and Sunshine (yellow/gold MD) are in my weekly rotation, a lot… However after reading stories and reviews from customers, I learned that mixing strain with Top Shelf Bali is truly a special blend. This combination makes me kratom like no other!

  5. Gary

    Great product, it makes me feel energetic so I am able get things done.

  6. Dominic

    Love it

  7. Patrick

    My top favorite! Green maeng da never disappoints

  8. Michael

    One of my absolute favorites. Nice clean energy.

  9. Doris

    Great quality and excellent customer service.

  10. James

    Still one of my favorites. This is a great fast strain that anyone who likes faster kratom should add to their rotation.

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